About Elise Dickey
I am a soon-to-be photography graduate of the Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis. I am a mother of two beautiful children and I come from a large artistic family. I enjoy photography and drawing and anything that is associated with the arts. I spent much of my college career focusing on creating work that promotes child abuse awareness because my passion has always been routed in family and children. I aspire to become more involved in the community and the welfare of our children. I am an artist that is optimistic, determined, and open-minded.
Since I have been attending Herron, I have discovered more about what drives me. My earlier work was centered around my family because that was my comfort zone, but in the last two years, I have expanded my mind and discovered my true passion in life is to help the future by promoting the wellbeing of our children. Being an artist, I think, affords us a voice and I want to make my voice heard about child abuse awareness by creating my artwork about the subject. My goal now is to make sure I am working toward protecting the welfare of our children. I know I have the ability and determination to achieve my goals and if I can reach even one person, then I am on the road to success.